Yesterday, was my Beautiful Daughter's Birthday. It was also the two year anniversary of My dear Nephew's Transition. Twenty three years ago my baby girl was born and two years ago, my nephew slipped out of his damaged human space suit and transitioned back to his true essence of pure spirit energy. Now depending on how you look at or perceive this particular day, it could be sad or deliriously joyful. Either way, the choice is ours to experience it as we wish.
All of us experience days like these. So, I offer this perspective and share with you, what I call a Kingdom Principle of Polarity:
The Principle of Polarity states that everything exists on a scale of extreme opposites of the same thing. Put another way, everything has two equal and opposite sides. Take emotions for example. There is an extreme opposite between Love and hate, or fear and trust. We, as well as everything on this planet is composed of energy. Because this planet is designed as a place of free will, where absolutely anything and everything is possible, you may see this energy expressed in all forms as each of us chooses to learn lessons, grow, heal and become fuller expressions of ourselves.
The Principle of Polarity allows for an understanding that we are free to choose fear over Love, good over bad, up or down, abundance or scarcity in any situation, at any time. However, as we learn to choose Love, trust, good or abundance more often or regularly, our vibration will grow to a higher frequency that will in turn draw what we desire, into our experience.
The Principle Of Polarity exists as a means to enable us to learn and discover that within every perceived problem lies its solution, within every perceived failure also lies the opportunity to succeed. Every situation that looks bad, has an equal amount of good in it ,if we look for it. Its human nature to take a position on everything or label anything either good or bad, better or worse as appose to something else. But the moment we label a person, event or situation as being a certain way, we automatically, mentally set up a reaction to it. For example, if we label a situation as being disappointing, we instantly put ourselves in a position of resisting the disappointment. Because that's how we labeled it. Our perception or how we see it ,coupled with our resistance, determines how we experience it. Remember we are the ones who get to decide whether its disappointing or it just is!!! We must learn to surrender our position or stop arguing with What Is, because we cant win!!! Understanding this Kingdom Principle provides us with transformational power. For, If we change the way we look at things, the things we look at, will change. Its a matter of our perception. Its all in our minds.
To this end, I celebrated both my Nephew's Transition and my Daughter's Birthday. I celebrated his Rebirth to spirit and her Anniversary of womanhood. As I look into my Daughter's eyes, I see confidence, joy and powerful intention. I look into the eyes of my Nephew's Grandson and I see........ohhhhhh so much!!! He happened to be born shortly after the transition.
Can you relate to the transformational power of our perception?
This is the Kingdom Principle of Polarity.
Monday, January 14, 2013
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