Monday, December 24, 2012


This Holiday Season, I'm of the mind that we should celebrate life every moment we awake!!!  I have a dear friend I've known since my early twenties.  He is twenty five years my senior and is now eighty three. He called me recently to wish me a Merry Christmas. I asked him was he ready for Christmas? He replied, "Every morning I awake, is Christmas!!!" with a hearty laugh.  Each time I think of this, I smile:).

Often times we tend to take life for granted.  I mean we get so caught up in our survival, that we miss the joy within our reach. Like the Chinese proverb that says, there were two fish. One swam over to the other and asked, "Do you believe in this ocean that they talk about?"   This saying shows how narrow our view of our world and our  environment can be.  The fact is, we see the world through the way we see ourselves and not as it really is.  If we could come into the knowledge of who we really are, everyday would be Christmas!!!

You see, most folks don't know who they are.  I've learned that we are spiritual beings with infinite potential, living in an orderly, energetic Universe, filled with unprocessed and formless energy, waiting to be interpreted and formed by us!!!  We have the ability to co create lives of unlimited joy or lives of hopelessness and despair.  It all begins in our own minds.  That's right!!! Its all a matter of perception, then choice!!!

Let us open our hearts and minds, that we may perceive the magnificence in which we were created, in order to live the lives, God intended.

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In Love and LIGHT,
 Anthony Chambers,
Certified Life Coach,
Radio Host,
Youth Service Specialist


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Anthony Chambers
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