Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Self Perception = Self Esteem

Has anyone shared with you, how Magnificent you are??? Yes, I'm talking to you, and about you!!!  Now, it's a beautiful thing for someone else to notice how magnificently, incredible you are.  However, it's most important that you know, understand and accept these facts about yourself for yourself.

You see, just the mere fact that you are here on this planet, means there is a purpose for your existence. You are the lead character in the drama of your life. The role you play, affects family, community and eventually the world. Yes, you are important to the world. You are PURE POTENTIAL IN HUMAN FORM. Meaning, You can do, be or have anything you desire.  But of course, if you don't accept this as true and choose to act or live your life as if you don't matter, you will create a domino affect of mediocrity all around you.

Many people are not living the lives they wanted because someone told them they were unimportant, that they act just like their Daddy or no good mother. And guess what??? They believed it!!! They even searched for evidence to prove it.  And guess what??? They found it!!!!

The same thing happens when someone calls you ugly or stupid.  Because these statements hurt, We tend to take them personally. We then look for proof and we find some. So we believe it to be true.
Why, you ask??? Well, because, you will always find what your looking for.  But, In every bad situation lies an equal amount of good in it. If you look for it you will find it! We're just use to accepting it as we see it.

It's important to know, that only you can give power to what someone says about you.  The person putting you down, has their own issues. You just happen to be the one their taking it out on.
If you take the time to have EMPATHY for the one attacking you and think :

1." Wow, What's wrong with him or her?" Or " I know they MUST be  trippin!"
2. Forgive them, cause when you have empathy and stand in their shoes, you know they've got issues.  They become squirrels in your world and their words have no power.
3. Be grateful cause you KNOW WHAT THEY'RE SAYING IS NOT TRUE!!! An attitude of gratitude gives you latitude to rise above the petty consciousness.

Its up to you to believe what's true about you. Can you believe in your magnificence? If you search for the evidence of it, I know you will find it!!!

In Love and LIGHT,

Anthony Chambers


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Anthony Chambers
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