Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Power Up Your Faith & Take Charge Of Your Life!!!"

Hello Family,

I have shared with you, I have written a new book. However, since I last mentioned it, the title has changed. It's now titled, "Power Up Your Faith & Take Charge Of Your Life!!!" The Book Is filled with what I call, "Power Principles, That Work!"  It's my life's mission to help sooth your pain, release the hurts of the past and empower our earthly family to live happy and productive lives, by the bringing of  L.I.G.H.T.. Meaning to Live In God's Highest Thought.

In keeping with my mission, I look for material which is congruent with this purpose. The video below, crossed my desk today and I couldn't wait to share it with you. It flows so beautifully with the content of my new book, which will be available here, next month.

In Love & LIGHT,

Enjoy and Share:)


Where do you put control of your life?
Sunday, April 14, 2013

A little treat to aid you ....

Hello Family, as we are all related due to the fact we are all extensions of the Divine and children of the Most High.  And as children of God, it is important that we walk in and exercise our power.

What I mean is this.  We were granted free will and the power of choice. Which to me, is one of the greatest gifts given.  The choices we make, add up to our destiny.

I offer you today, a little treat to aid you in setting your daily intentions and start your mornings on a positive tip with tools you can use!!! Just Click here and enjoy....

In Love & LIGHT,

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Reflecting On Time

Hello Blog Family,

Since I wrote to you last, a lot has occurred in my life, that has caused much reflection.  And reflection is a good thing:).  I've been reminded recently, the idea of the illusion of time and how the past can hold us hostage and the future can be anything we desire.  However, allowing our memories of past failures or fear of risk control our future, can cause stagnation.  Robert Kennedy put it this way," Only those who dare to fail greatly, will ever achieve greatly."  My Dad use to say, "Show me a man who's never failed and I'll show you a man who's never done anything." Failures are only opportunities to learn.

But more importantly, while we are focused on what's behind us, striving to aquire things that will never define us, make us happy,  or preocupied with the future, the gift of the present moment is slipping away and passing us by.  Here is a short video, shared with me by my mentor, Dr. Robert Anthony, that's sure to cause some reflection.


In Love and LIGHT,


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Anthony Chambers
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