Thursday, June 9, 2011


Those who know me, are aware of my love for the old, Disney Cartoons.  I have always been able to find, what I believe, to be the hidden meaning in cartoons. My very best , favorite is Peter Pan.  When I ask people what they thought made the children fly, most respond and say " The Pixie Dust."   However, when the pixie dust was sprinkled, everyone didn't get the lift off.  Why? You ask?    They had not yet learned to think the happy thoughts!  You see, thinking happy thoughts is what gives us lift and allows us to soar.  Ive learned the importance of capturing the emotions that make me feel good.  My mental climate determines my life experiences.  When I'm feeling down, I am inadvertently magnetising myself  for more misery and will continue feeling down until I break the cycle.

One of  the most effective ways I have found to break the cycle of misery, is to employ my imagination.  I think of a time when I was absolutely happy. A time when I received my first bike or when I found out the little girl I liked, liked me. That's a good one! I remember the butterflies in my stomach.The pure joy that I had found my first someone:). I smile inside now, as I write about it:)  Though I don't remember her name I do remember the emotion.  When I find myself heading for an emotional low, I now call upon that  special memory and all the emotions that come with it.  I capture those feelings and carry them with me throughout my day. I apply those emotions to everything else in my day.  Those feelings elevate my mental frequency and changes the vibrations of everything around me.  I've found, that I cant think funky thoughts when I'm feeling good.  In fact I make a conscious decision to say " Cancel, Cancel" to refuse entry of the funky thoughts and feelings.

Happy Thoughts keep me smiling and magnetises me to everything that is good:)  Use your Imagination and see where it takes you.  I read somewhere just today, that " Imagination is your life's preview of coming attractions." Ludacris

In Love and Light,

Anthony Chambers,
The Bringer of L.I.G.H.T.


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Anthony Chambers
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