Most folks know what they should do. But for the life of them, they can’t seem to behave as they should. Why? It’s because of the many embedded or ingrained beliefs that are instilled in us from child hood. My parents raised me with the best of intentions. They provided me with some wonderful tools that have served me well. On the other hand, they also inadvertently wrote some limiting beliefs in my mental program that have impeded my success. The fix or solution? I've explored many religions, philosophy, chanting and meditations. I've even done a lion's share of drugs and alcohol. However, discovering my routine was not producing the results I desired, forced me to make some adjustments. The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome. What I mean, is this. We all have a regiment that we follow from the moment we wake till we go to bed. Yet we seldom stop to take inventory of the regiment to determine whether any of our behaviors are taking us where we want to go. Knowing where you want to go is of equal importance.
The intent, however, is to have some tool to provocate or regulate one's behavior. PURPOSE became mine. Before I had purpose, I was flickering like a candle in the wind. I was controlled by everything outside of me. Due to our human conditioning, we always tend to look outside ourselves, rather than from within. And it’s within, where we discover our purpose. Quiet yourself, go within and ask, “Show me my purpose."
Now, everything I do, is on PURPOSE:)
In Love and Light,
Anthony Chambers,
"The Bringer Of Light"
Looking forward to the interview on Saturday with Two Talk Books!