Thursday, May 19, 2011

Purpose 2

Les Brown says, "The two most important days of  your life are your Birthday and the day you discover your Purpose."  I agree whole heartedly. You know, PURPOSE, ,,, it, it, it ooh,ooh, JUST FEELS SO,O,O GOOD!!!!!!!:)  My Purpose, Is To SERVE my fellow man.

I'm embarking upon a new adventure. I'm extremely excited. Until about Twenty years ago, all the businesses I've been involved with, over the years, were all about making money. Then I discovered my Purpose. It was tough at first. To make money at it, I mean. Though money is important, I'm no longer willing to give up my joy or suffer to get it.  Twenty years ago I developed a program to work with kids, that grew into working with families, that grew into a school. A tremendous accomplishment.  However, my love was not for the business. My love was for the people I served. I was indirectly on Purpose. You see, the services provided, were on purpose, but I was sidetracked with the politics.  I hated it!!!  Due to the growth, I didn't know every one's name anymore, new folk would come and I didn't get a chance to welcome or interact with them and the politics was an absolute nightmare.  I  lost touch with the whole reason for getting involved.

So, I took inventory of my routine. I discovered it wasn't in line with my purpose anymore.  I broke that routine. The habit went kicking and screaming. But, I broke it!! Habits are hard to break.  Ive found the way to get of one, is to replace it with another. Of course , you want to leave one that doesn't serve you for one that will. I guess what I'm trying to say is, " Its Important To Feel Good!" Life is too short to be in misery.  I don't believe we have been put on this earth to be miserable, but to do, as the Bible says " To have life more abundantly."

Ive rediscovered my purpose and have taken immediate action to live it.  Life feels good again :).  By feeling good, Ive raised my mental frequency to a higher level that attracts everything and everyone desired, to fulfill my purpose.  Its a beautiful thing :)  I Go within, as Franky Beverly sings, " Feel that Happy Feelin."  Capture it and carry it with me all day every day. Staying on Purpose, I Create my own mental climate. I Call it up from within and I start to live that joy inside, out!  Then I see life from a completely different point of view.

Go within, discover your purpose, kick fear to the curb and Go For IT!!!

If you have an interest in how I live my purpose or how I may serve you, visit

In Love and Light,

Anthony Chambers,

The Bringer of Light
Friday, May 13, 2011


Paradigms, belief systems, habits..... There are many and varied names for the behaviors that enhance or impede our success.  None the less, the names don't matter.  What matters is the understanding that what ever term is used, these beliefs can either promote or BLOCK SUCCESS!!!  I've had many such behaviors and I’m still working on others.

Most folks know what they should do. But for the life of them, they can’t seem to behave as they should.  Why? It’s because of the many embedded or ingrained beliefs that are instilled in us from child hood. My parents raised me with the best of intentions. They provided me with some wonderful tools that have served me well.  On the other hand, they also inadvertently wrote some limiting beliefs in my mental program that have impeded my success. The fix or solution?  I've explored many religions, philosophy, chanting and meditations. I've even done a lion's share of drugs and alcohol.  However, discovering my routine was not producing the results I desired, forced me to make some adjustments.  The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome. What I mean, is this.  We all have a regiment that we follow from the moment we wake till we go to bed.  Yet we seldom stop to take inventory of the regiment to determine whether any of our behaviors are taking us where we want to go.  Knowing where you want to go is of equal importance.

The intent, however, is to have some tool to provocate or regulate one's behavior. PURPOSE became mine. Before I had purpose, I was flickering like a candle in the wind. I was controlled by everything outside of me.  Due to our human conditioning, we always tend to look outside ourselves, rather than from within. And it’s within, where we discover our purpose.  Quiet yourself, go within and ask, “Show me my purpose."

 Now, everything I do, is on PURPOSE:)

In Love and Light,

   Anthony Chambers,

"The Bringer Of Light"

Friday, May 6, 2011

Stress 2

I pray monitoring your breathing has been of service to you:)

STRESS 2: All we have, is this moment. Yesterday is gone and our tomorrow will depend largely on how we live today. None the less, tomorrow is not promised.  So its imperative that we truly LIVE, Today.

You see, if we become angry about something, let it go cause it is already in the past. You cant get it back. Its a waste of time. So enjoy the Now. If you are worried about something or in fear, its generally about something in the future. A time you don't yet have. However, you create your future by the thoughts you harbor Now, Today. So Be Happy:) Its your choice, make a decision. 

I always say,"The more you are thankful for what you have, the more you will have to be thankful for and today, you are living yesterdays thoughts, grown up." So,  spend the present, the gift of Today, with your heart filled with gratitude for your haves.  The don't haves, you ask? Make some ME time and envision yourself having those, so you can magnetize them to you Today, that they may come in your future.

In Love and Light,

Anthony Chambers,
The Bringer Of L.I.G.H.T


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Anthony Chambers
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